

The D’s (Asia)

Shane & Krista Serve as English teachers in Southeast Asia


Dan and Christie Ucherek (Mexico)

Dan and Christi are serving vulnerable families in the impoverished communities outside of Cancun, Mexico. The Strong Families program provides holistic care through spiritual, emotional, physical, educational, and social needs. All that we do is committed to helping orphaned and vulnerable children become dependent on Jesus, independent and economically sustainable, and good neighbors living interdependently with others in their community.


Hope Pregnancy Center (Pontiac, IL)

HOPE Pregnancy Center is a non-profit 501C3 faith based organization committed to the sanctity of human life.  Their goal is to reach those men and women facing an unexpected pregnancy and challenging life circumstances.  They desire to offer truth concerning their options to potential parents, whether they are abortion minded or planning to carry their pregnancy.  Their services begin with a pregnancy test, but also include a health consultation with a medical professional, and an ultrasound when appropriate.  HPC also offers community referrals, one on one classes with a trained volunteer, material services such as baby clothing, formula, diapers, and more.  Post-abortion support, abstinence education, and adoption support are available to their clients as well. 

HPC’s clients will never be pressured to make any type of decision concerning the outcome of their pregnancy.  They are given evidenced based medical information to enable them to be better informed to make their own choice regarding their pregnancy.  They will always be treated with love and respect during a time of uncertainty.


Project Nehemiah (India)

Since 1997, Project Nehemiah has been formally registered as a non- government organization by the government of Israel for the purpose of humanitarian aid.

Project Nehemiah seeks to be a testimony of the love of the Messiah. With offices in the Tel Aviv area, Project Nehemiah distributes gifts of love to over 12 cities throughout Israel.

The name “Nehemiah” means comfort in the Hebrew language.

As Project Nehemiah began with the help of friends and volunteers, they sought to be a comfort and blessing to immigrants and needy Israelis by providing for their physical needs such as food baskets, blankets and other essentials.

These gifts are provided through the generous donations of bible believing Christians who have a desire to be a blessing to the people of Israel.